Hello everyone,
Hope you had a lovely weekend.
Can you believe it is already February?
It was almost like spring here today and
as we went for our walk I could feel some
heat in the sun again and of course we are
enjoying the longer daylight hours.
The warm sunny day made me want to do
a few changes in the entry/porch.
Since, it will soon be Valentine's Day,
I gathered up some romantic pinks.
Then, I gathered up a few
romantic pink vignettes to
share. This teapot above is one
of my favorites especially in
February as my husband gave it
to me for Valentine's Day a few
years ago.
Some dainty pink linens.
Faded beauty.
Did you notice the heart shaped plate
also from my husband.
Pink tulips are usually my
favorite...but I love them all.
Pink peonies make such
a beautiful bouquet.
Can you tell I love this
teapot. It was bought locally but
I have never seen it around here
Soft and sweet romantic shades
of pink.
I am going to see the movie Brooklyn
with a friend tonight but I have already seen it
and really enjoyed it. It brings back memories
of stories my Mom shared of coming from Holland
to Canada on a big ship and being seasick the whole
trip and being so lonesome the first few years.
Have you seen it......I think Saoirce Rowan did
an amazing job in her leading role.
Take care,

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