Hello everyone,
I hope your weekend is going
well. It seems we went from spring
to winter overnight here as we had a lot
of snow fall yesterday and last night.
I made one of my favorite
muffins to go with our tea ~
apple cranberry crumble muffins.
I think you would like them too.
They are nice and moist.
The muffin recipe is from my
Robin Hood Baking Festival
cookbook that has lots of delicious
recipes. Hope you can read the recipe.
I cut back on the sugar as I don't like
my muffins too sweet.
This handmade smocked dress
has been on display in my kitchen
since it was given to me. I love it
and my kitchen/dining room has
all my red and white transferware
on display so the dress fits right in.
Since, we ate all the muffins,it
is scones and tea now.
Love having a fresh bouquet
of tulips and these match my
red and white transferware nicely.
Tea time.

morning......so pretty with the sun shining
on fresh white snow.
Hope you enjoy a lovely
tea time this weekend.
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