Hello everyone,
It is a dull damp November day here
and I can't take any photos indoors
today so I picked out some of my past
favorites of a White Christmas.
I hope you enjoy them.
conservatory a few years ago.I went
with a Nordic look then but last year
it was an English Country Christmas
look.I am still thinking about this years
look in our tiny conservatory.
You can check out the English Country
look here.
The Boathouse Christmas nook. This
was one of my favorite shots last year
as there was a nice coat of snow but no
ice on the pond yet so there is a nice
reflection in the water.
Another angle in the conservatory showing
my $5 rusty iron chandelier.
My oldest daughter wore these little skates
when she was learning to skate.
Our bedroom decorated for
Christmas a couple of years ago.
A snowy white Christmas.
I painted the old skates and
added fur trim with hot glue'
I have to confess I love a
snowy white Christmas.
A winter white tea in
our sunroom.....get
cozy under a furry white
As, I look out at the brown and grey
of November I am looking forward
to a nice coat of fluffy white stuff
but I know many don't agree with
me on that one!
Hopefully, in the next day or two I
will have some new shots of my
decorating progress from this year.
Take care,

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