Autumn is in full swing on the Island
right now. We have had frost a couple of
nights here so the garden is in it's faded
glory stage.However, there are still a few
plants putting on a show ~ fall asters etc.
Burning bushes turn brilliant red
in autumn.
The virginia creeper is still green
on this the north side of the house
but has turned red elsewhere in the garden.
Asters, monkshood and a bit
of late phlox adding color in
the garden today.
I love this aconitum carmichaelii
Arendsii or monkshood as it blooms
so vibrantly and late in the season.
Martha's Garden in autumn.
The virginia creeper on the
back fence has turned red.
A little birdhouse adds charm.
Autumn colors in our Chelsea Garden
Trees and shrubs in autumn light.
Autumn Joy Sedum
faded glory

early autumn.
It is another beautiful autumn day here
so I must get out and enjoy it now!
Take care,
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